Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Scottish Golf has issued a COVID-19 update. It confirms the key changes for licensed premises at golf clubs as a result of new national restrictions.

The full statement issued by Scottish Golf today reads as follows:

"Following our latest update on 8th October, Scottish Golf has been in ongoing dialogue with our partners at sportscotland and the Scottish Government to seek further clarity on the licensing of premises and how this might impact our affiliated clubs."

"We have today received confirmation that individual premises will need to act in accordance with the current guidance in place based on their existing license. As the type of license can vary from club to club, we would encourage all clubs to make contact with their local authority and environmental health team who will be able to further advise on the type of license your clubhouse has."

"Scottish Golf would like to remind clubs that the current guidance is as follows and that all clubs should adhere to the restrictions in place in their local area:"
  • "Pubs and restaurants in five Scottish health board areas - Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lanarkshire, Ayrshire & Arran, Lothian and Forth Valley - must shut to all but takeaway customers. In these areas, licensed cafes can remain open from 6am to 6pm but must not sell alcohol."
  • "In other parts of Scotland not mentioned above, pubs, bars, restaurants and cafes can operate 6am to 6pm but cannot serve alcohol indoors during that time. These premises can sell alcohol outdoors until 10pm."
  • "Rules on gatherings remain the same with a maximum of six people from two households permitted."
"Thank you for your ongoing understanding during these challenging times. Clubs are reminded that our latest COVID-19 guidance can be accessed at our dedicated webpage here."

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