Monday, March 30, 2009

At last after a very long and very cold winter, the season is at last here!! It is now time to dust off your clubs, polish your shoes and most importantly get your entries off for our very first meeting of the season. Lenore is taking your entries for our first meeting which will be held at King James VI on April 14th.
Come on let get this season started!! See you there!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


As has already been posted The P&K County Team won the P&K Sports Personality of Year Team Award earlier this month. Again unfortunately I was unable to attend as I was on holiday. Lenore very kindly has passed on the above photos for us to enjoy!

Once again well done to all concerned!

On Saturday 7th March a table of 16 past Captains and Champions attended a luncheon hosted by SLGA to celebrate the Counties centenary year. Unfortunately as I was on holiday I was unable to attend however I believe a good afternoon was had by all who attended. Above are a few snaps Lenore took on the day.

My thanks go to all who attended.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


My husband Iain and I were invited to represent Strathmore Golf Centre in the Alyth Quiz League. We along with fellow team members David Douglas and Peter Howell played most of the 18 week long tournament. Patrica Howell, Bob Norman and David Norman also played on the evenings when one or other of us were unavailable. It was great fun and I was very pleased to take part.

Apart from having a sociable evening the object is to raise monies for local charities, clubs and organisations. At the end of the season each team take a share of the monies made and decide whom they wish to benefit from the cheque. I was delighted when the team decided to donate their share to P&K Junior Girls.

Last night Junior convener Carol Lambie and Pam Drysdale came along to accept a cheque for £150 on the counties behalf and my thanks go to them for coming along for the evening.

Presentations also took place for the winners of the trophies and as you can see from the photo below, the Strathmore Team also won a trophy however it was not the one we craved it was indeed the 'wooden spoon'! We were all presented with a wooden log engraved with our names!

Many thanks once again to Strathmore Golf Centre for their fantastic and continued support and especially David Douglas who organised the team so well all winter.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Team member Eve Muirhead was crowned Junior Curling World Champion 2009 in Vancouver yesterday. Eve retained her crown after a nail biting finish against Canada.

This is the third year running Eve has been in the winning Scottish side, the first year as the third man and the last two as skip.

As Eve's team mates make their way home, Eve is traveling on to Korea for the World Ladies Championship with her senior team mates.

Eve, you really are a talent and we are all very proud of you.

We wish you well in Korea!

I am just back from my holidays and was over-whelmed when I received a phone call in Tenerife from our Team to tell me that we had won the Perth and Kinross Sports Personality of the Year Team Award.

When I first sent off the nomination I believed our team deserved all the praise and recognition that was available and I am so pleased that I am not the only one who feels this way! The team have been outstanding as both a team and also with their own personal achievements. But what pleases me most is they act as a team both during team events and matches but also during individual events throughout the year in tournaments both home and abroad, I am very very proud of them all.

I also feel credit is due to the hard work of the officials who spend their valuable time organising coaching, matches and of course the Jamboree. The whole committee are fantastic but special thanks must go to Shona who is a brilliant match secretary and of course Lenore who is a great vice. I know the team really appreciate the time and effort involved.

A brilliant start to the year for P&K and I know the start of another great year.

Well done all!

Monday, March 09, 2009

P & K County Team win Sports Council Team of the Year Award
Our girls have done it again, at the Perth and Kinross Sports Personality of the Year Awards they were presented with the trophy for Team of the Year.
The award was sponsored by Perth and Kinross Sports Council and presented by Doug Yeats.
Well done girls first trophy this year, lots more to come!