Monday, August 21, 2006

Results from Captain's Day at Perth Inch.

Despite the gloomy forecast County members enjoyed a fine day at Perth Inch. The course has experienced some problems with the greens and had four temporary greens in place. As a result the competition was non counting.

Best Scratch -
Alexandra Bushby ( Strathmore) 76
Dawn Butchart (Strathmore) 79 bih
Janet Griffiths (Comrie) 79

Best Nett -
Margaret Macrae (Pitlochry) 67 bih
Maya Robertson (Taymouth Castle) 67 bih
Sally Crystal ( Taymouth Castle) 67

The golf balls were won by Louise Westwood (Whitemoss) and Moira Vass (Dunblane)

Next meeting is Muckhart on 14th September - please post your entries to Lenore Kyle.

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