Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The finalists from the Scratch and Handicap Championships held at Kinross Golf Club at the weekend. From left to right - runner up in the Gibb Trophy, Gladys Pennycook (Alyth), winner of the Gibb Trophy Meriel Walker (Alyth), Captain Janet Griffiths, winner of the County Championship Trophy Alexandra Bushby (Strathmore) and runner up Emily Ogilvy (Auchterarder).

Both matches were very keenly fought - the contest between Alex and Emily produced outstanding golf from start to finish. Alex has worked extremely hard on her golf throughout the winter and it is certainly paying off - Alex was level par for her round. Emily has been based in the USA for the past five years at college, studying and competing in college golf tournaments as an individual and as part of her college team. We are very pleased to have Emily home. The golf played in the final was a real joy to watch and we are proud to have both girls as members of the Perth & Kinross County squad.

The Handicap final was also a 'ding dong affair'. Meriel came back from 4 down to take Gladys to the 19th hole where Meriel closed out the match with a par 3.

Our thanks to Kinross Golf Club, particularly the professional Greig McSporran, the greens staff for keeping the course open during the qualifying round, Linda the bar manager and Joan the Caterer and her staff.

Dawn took lots of smashing photographs over the weekend - to see them:

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