Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The County Team has returned safely from Cruden Bay after a weekend of excellent golf in very difficult conditions. The team were very disappointed that they did not fare better but I am very happy to report that every one of the team competed with all of their hearts - they could not have been more committed or focussed on the task that faced them. Resplendent in their team colours from the practice round onwards, their efforts and enthusiasm did not waver despite some of the worst weather ever experienced at a Jamboree. Congratulations and thanks to all of the team members for their endeavours, in particular new members Eve Muirhead and Jacqueline Sneddon who fitted in to the team brilliantly well and scored 2 points each (two halves and one win for Jacqueline and 2 wins for Eve). The future for the P & K team is very bright with so many talented youngsters coming through.
I would to take this opportunity to thank Vice Captain Dawn for her invaluable help and support throughout the weekend - not forgetting our band of very loyal caddies and helpers who travelled north to lend a hand. They were Carol Lambie, Pat Colquhoun, Jennifer Sneddon, Shona Leighton, Sal Shepherd, Maria Bagust, Emma Napper and Lenore Kyle - my sincere thanks to them all - we would have not managed without them! It was smashing to see Jill and Stuart Milne with baby Esme who also came along on Sunday to add their support to the team.
A big thank you to Highland Spring for the bottles of water provided for the event and to Somerfield in Crieff who kindly supplied us with bananas and energy bars.

Finally my congratulations to Ros Dunsmuir and the Aberdeenshire Team on a splendid victory.

Captain Janet

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