Thursday, June 05, 2008


Please, please, please get your entries in for the North of Scotland!!! We only host this event every four years and this year it will be held at Strathmore Golf Club which, even if I say so myself, is in fantastic condition as over 100 ladies who played in Strathmore Ladies Open yesterday will testify!

The North of Scotland is played over 3 days from Monday 7th July through to Wednesday 9th July. All players play on Monday and then we will have 16 scratch qualifiers and 16 handicap qualifers who go forward to the match play stages which take place Tuesday and Wednesday. All non qualifiers will then play on Tuesday in a consolation round. Therefore the entry of £15 guarantee's you a minimum of two rounds of golf on a beautiful golf course which serves the most wonderful food!!

So many of you have said to me, and I quote 'we are not good enough' this is nonsense as the tournament is a handicap event as well as a scratch one and everyone will go out in as near handicap order as possible. So please please come along and support the county in this event. We can accomodate 120 ladies and so far we only have 75 entries which is very disapointing. You will certainly be made very welcome.

Entry forms can be downloaded from the left hand side of the page or CALL ME on 01828 633000/633395.


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