Monday, June 30, 2008


Our fantastic team played their hearts out all weekend and won the North of Scotland Inter-County championship today at Downfield. It was a resounding win as P&K won all three days against Northern Counties 6&3, Aberdeenshire 5&4 and Angus 8&1.

All members of the team contributed to this great win. We also had the three top point earners of the tournament with Emily and Carly with 5.5 points out of 6 with Alex not far behind with 5 points.

I can not praise the girls enough, they were wonderful. I am very very proud of them all. Fantastic result, well done all. I will post a full report with some fantastic photo's tomorrow.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to all the cards, phone calls and kind wishes from all our members. Also to the members who came along to support and caddy the girls. Also a huge thank you to squad members Jane, Sal, Fiona and Gwen who came along to support the girls and caddy this weekend, Gwen and Fiona even stayed in the same hotel all weekend to help throughout the tournament. I can not thank them enough.

What a fantastic weekend!

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