Thursday, August 25, 2011


Carol Muir our match secretary has asked me to post the following report following a freindly match the team played on Tuesday night. Below is a slideshow of the night.

The P&K Ladies team of - Laura Walker / Eilidh Watson; Eve Muirhead / Jillian Milne; Fiona Ramsay / Nicola Robertson, Jane Yellowlees / Gillian Wallace, played a foursomes match against the County Men on Tuesday evening over the Lansdowne Course, Blairgowrie G.C. This had been scheduled to be played in June but had to be postponed due to torrential rain/gales.

Although perfect conditions for playing golf the Men were in no mood to have a repeat performance of last year's result when the Ladies won. Unfortunately, with a little jiggery pokery of the rules and the Ladies not receiving any shots this year, the team was fairly comprehensively beaten with the exception of Fiona and Nicola who played well to ensure their game ended All Square. Final Result was 3 1/2 - 1/2.

Iain Simpson, Men's County Secretary has confirmed that this should now be an ongoing annual fixture and is putting up a Trophy to be competed for - now we will have to look at the rules!!

Anyway, a good night was had by all and the course itself was in great condition with excellent greens and the hospitality provided afterwards was enjoyed by all.

Thanks to Carol for forwarding her report and we wish the girls all the best for the County Finals at Dumfries. I will post more info regarding the finals soon.

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