Thursday, August 27, 2015


We had a really good turn out at Crieff for Captain's Day. The early starters got a bit wet but the rain cleared by mid morning and everyone had an enjoyable day.  Captain Carol set the scene well with chocolate for sustenance on the course and she also laid on special prizes for the day.

Our thanks to Iain Simpson and all the staff at Crieff who helped make it a successful day. Thanks also to all the ladies who supported the raffle which made £110 for the funds.

CSS 76
Scratch 1st.  Kay Knight 79
             2nd. Caroline Henderson 82
             3rd.  Isla Moncrieff         83

Handicap  1st. Kay Knight               79 (8) 71
                  2nd. Caroline Henderson 82 (8) 74
                  3rd.  Nan Morrison         91 (15) 76 bih

Silver Longest drive.  Kay Knight
Silver nearest pin.    Carol Muir
Bronze longest drive. Michelle Abel
Bronze nearest pin. Brenda Kerr
Nearest 18th in 2: Isla Moncrieff

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