Monday, January 04, 2021


Scottish Golf has issued a COVID-19 update in response to the COVID-19 statement given by First Minister of Scotland in Parliament today.

The full statement issued today by Scottish Golf reads as follows:

"As we turn the corner on an extremely difficult 2020, starting 2021 with additional restrictions and further uncertainty is not how anyone wanted to begin the new year."

"Following today’s announcement from the First Minister and with an understanding that our affiliated clubs will need to make some adjustments to their business operations, we wanted to provide all clubs with the information we have available to us at present."

"As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we have worked alongside both sportscotland and The Scottish Government to demonstrate that golf is a sport that can be played outdoors with physical distancing and increased safety measures in place. We are pleased that this continues to be recognised and from 00.01 on Tuesday 5th January:"

"Golf courses can remain open for play with a maximum of two players from up to two households Golfers must stay close to home, travel only for essential purposes and in line with the new legislation We are continuing to seek further clarification on a number of the wider aspects for sport from our partners at sportscotland and Scottish Government and as soon as we have sufficient detail with which to work, our more detailed guidance will be updated. We currently envisage being in a position to provide a more in-depth update for all affiliated clubs within the next 24 hours."

"Scottish Golf asks that all golf clubs and golfers adhere to the new guidance with the same spirit and integrity that has been shown throughout the last year to ensure we can all continue to benefit from playing golf through this new period of restrictions."

"You can stay up to date on all the latest information on our dedicated COVID-19 page here."

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