Monday, June 03, 2024


Celebrating Volunteers' Week 3-9 June, P&KLCGA would like to say a huge thank you to all Volunteers, past and present, who have given their time and no small effort to keep the cogs of County Golf turning.

Most of the Volunteers will not only have given their time to the County over the years, but most likely they will also volunteer, or have volunteered, to help at their own Golf Club in a variety of guises.  Many Clubs and Associations would not exist without the dedication and support from these willing Volunteers.

Successful National, County or Club events all benefit from a keen band of Volunteers.  The many Volunteers are sure to have felt a sense of pride and satisfaction from helping to make sport happen.

Volunteers are welcome at all levels since it's the best way to learn, so when an opportunity arises, whether at National, County or Club level, perhaps now is the time to consider giving something back to the sport that you've enjoyed over the years.

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