Saturday, January 24, 2009


Over the last number of years Perth and Kinross Ladies County Golf Association have been very honoured in being granted the privilege of offering a Gleneagles Scholarship to four girls from the Perth and Kinross County squads. This scholarship is open to all our junior girls under 18 years of age on January 1st and provides the four girls with full use of the Golf Academy including additional coaching throughout the year, full membership to all three Gleneagles courses and of course use of the Dormy House and changing facilities. As this scholarship is such a massive privilege and a huge benefit to the girls who are lucky enough to be selected, we do not take the granting of scholarships lightly. We will only select the girls who we feel will not only benefit but take full advantage of this opportunity during the year ahead.

This year the girls who have been selected are:

Emily Aird (Strathmore)
Megan Aird (Strathmore)
Carly Booth (Comrie)
Nicola Robertson (Dunblane)

Emily Aird at the age of only 12 has reduced her handicap from 21 to 13 in a period of only 12 months. She has participated in most of the SLGA Junior Events and has had some very encouraging successes. Emily is extremely enthusiastic and a great team player.

Megan Aird at the age of 15 has a playing handicap of 10 and along with Emily has entered most of the SLGA Events. Megan is a great supporter of county Events and has played in the Ladies Events as well as the Juniors and I know she will take full advantage of her scholarship.

Carly Booth (16) with a handicap of +3 is our lowest handicap female in the county. Carly is now living at home and attending Glenalmond School, therefore this is the perfect time for Carly to take advantage of the facilities Gleneagles has to offer and I know she is very excited about the year ahead.

Nicola Robertson at the age of 13 has reduced her handicap from 26 to 16 in the space of one year. She attends most of our junior events and she works extremely hard on her golf all year round. I know Nicola will take advantage of this award and will enjoy every minute of it!

We hope the girls this year will once again take advantage of the Perth and Kinross Ladies County Golf Associaiton Scholarship and will keep a close eye on their progress.

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