Thursday, February 12, 2009


You should all have now received the mailing inviting you to renew your membership. My thanks go to Lenore who very cleverly produced this years Fixture Card. I also hope you have enjoyed reading the Newsletter and I hope you have all spotted the deliberate mistake!! I stated that the Centenary Event was taking place on Monday 9th August when in fact it should read Monday August 17th!! The fixture card is correct.

As you can see we have a great range of course to play this year and of course with the centenary event we have 9 meetings. It is really nice to have something to look forward to other than fighting your way through snow at the moment.

If you have any queries about new ladies wishing to join I have made available membership forms which you can download. Just click on the download at the right hand side of the page then when you reach the media website click to download. If you have any problems email me and I will be happy to forward this onto you.

Look forward to seeing you all soon.

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