Monday, April 15, 2013


Linda Mailer sent me the following information:

On 7th June 2013 four ladies from King James V1 Golf Club (2 of whom are County Players - Linda Mailer and Liz Angus) will be playing 4 rounds of golf in 1 day at KJV1. The reason for this madness ? MONEY!!!! I'm sure we all know of someone who has benefitted from the care and support offerred by The MacMillan Cancer Support Charity. We won't notice the tiredness or the sore feet quite so much if we know that lots of money will be going to such a worthwhile cause.

The Fair Isle Sweaters(our team name) would be very grateful for any contributions no matter how small. At the next couple of games there will be a box on the registration table for any donations you may wish to make

Many thanks

Linda Mailer
What a great idea to raise money for an excellent cause. Hope you can all support Linda if you possibly can.

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