Draw for County Meeting at King James VI
(sorry for the delay in publishing)
10.00 J Griffiths,H Gibson,L Kyle
10.07 J Morrison,K McKellar,C Peebles
10.15 C Choudhary,M McPherson,M Robertson
10.22 M MacRae,J Hamilton,M Aird
10.30 M Walker,M Story,J Proudfoot
10.37 M Carruthers ,E Aird,S Jones
10.45 S Lindsay,D Pollett,J McNaughton
10.52 M Forbes,K McKay,J Thomm
11.00 M MacLeod,P Hebner,B Harley
11.07 P Kelly,N Bremner,A Duncan
11.15 A Crossland,R McGeoghegan,D Doris
5.30 D Butchart,L Fertacz
5.37 A Bushby,M McKay
Late entries to Mary Hope 01821 642288 / 07974690504