Friday, November 11, 2005


Well it is the AGM Season and as I had already mentioned at the P&K AGM I wanted any photo's that were available from any club AGM's so I will start with my own club!! Strathmore held their annual AGM at Strathmore Golf Club on Thursday 10th November. Annette Grewar has agreed to remains as Captain for a further year with Jane Taylor our Vice Captain, Chris Sturgis is Secretary, Jenny Groom Competition Secretary, Sheena Scott Treasurer, Dawn Butchart Handicap Secretary, Marion Robertson Match Secretary and Rhona McGeoghegan.

Photo of the prizewinners is below:

Back row Jane Taylor (Vice Captain), Linda Holme, Isobel Hughes, Jane Douglas, Chris Tinker, Chris Sturgis and Marion Robertson. Front row Annette Grewar (Captain) Sheena Scott, Dawn Butchart (Club Champion) Jenny Groom and Rhona McGeoghegan

Now please please send me your AGM news and photos!

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