Saturday, April 26, 2014


Ladies here is the draw for the next County Meeting at Auchterarder on 5th May, 2014.  Due to the large number of late entries we had to approach the Club for additional times. Apologies for the gap at the end of the Daytime draw but this is unavoidable due to previous commitments at Auchterarder.

County Meeting – Auchterarder G.C – Monday, 5th May 2014

9.28am             C Muir                 A Stockley
9.36am             L Walker             E Watson               N Robertson
9.44am             F Ramsay            J Saxton                 S Crolla
9.52am             I Moncrieffe         K Brodie               D Butchart
10.00am            K Knight             K Duncan              M Begbie
10.08am            M Lumby            V Saville                B Clough
10.16am            F Johnston           R Brass                  L McGraw
10.24am            M Mackie            L Kyle                   M Penny
10.32am            M Wilson             H Gibson               H Cunningham
10.40am            M Brydson           L Whitwood           G Pemberton       
10.48am            C Souter              J Proudfoot              N Morrison
10.56am            K McAlpine          L Scott                    S Durward
11.04am            M Macrae             L Findlay                L Mailer
11.12am            H Straw                M Spalding             E Campbell
11.20am            C Webb                S Fenner                C McNab
11.28am            J Pringle                 H Lang                   A Spiers
11.36am            M Chapman          Sheila MacDougall   E Milligan
11.44am            M Ewen                  A McGregor           P Colquhoun
11.52am            H Payne                  M Robertson           V Purdie
12.00pm            M MacLeod            K Booth                 J McEwan
12.08pm            J Rae                       C Peebles               J Nisbet
12.16pm            Susan MacDougall   K MacKay             G Paterson
12.24pm            E Cameron              P Kelly                    J Miller
12.32pm            I Watson                  S Jones                    S Young
12.40pm            R McGeogeghan      M Storry                  M Carruthers
12.48pm            J Thom                     J Groom                   S Peters
12.56pm            M Forbes                 A Crossland              D Wildblood
14.40pm            L Pattinson               G Lambie                   C Lambie

16.56pm            E Ogilvy                  J Milne                       L Campbell
17.04pm            C Henderson           J Griffiths                   K Dunbar            
17.12pm            L Fertacz                 D Brill                        L Angus

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