Vice Captain: Liz Milligan
Secretary: Michelle McKay pandkcountyladies1@aol.co.uk
1st Perth & Kinross 6 points - 19 game points
2nd Northern Counties 4 points - 14 game points
3rd Angus 1 point - 10 1/2 game points (on holes won)
4th Aberdeenshire 1 point - 10 1/2 game points
So for the first time in 24 years Perth & Kinross will compete in the Scottish County Finals which take place at the Hirsel Golf Club in Coldstream from the 22nd - 24th September 2006.ALYTH CANCELLED
Sorry to all we didn't managed to get hold of but we did try our very best to let everyone we could know that the meeting at Alyth was cancelled. This was due to flooding. The greenkeepers took the decision just before 9am this morning and unfortunately we had to cancel the days play.
However we rearranged the date to the 20th of July. I would appreciate if members could contact me by email or telephone to confirm if you can play on this day.
Once again I do apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but unfortunately the weather is outwith our control!!