Monday, April 16, 2007

Nine of the County senior squad (pictured with Captain Janet and Vice Captain Dawn) attended for a practice round on Royal Montrose Golf Links yesterday in preparation for the 2007 Inter Counties Jamboree which is to be held at Cruden Bay, Aberdeenshire in June. The conditions were perfect if a little calm and the course was in first class condition. The best scratch of the day was Alexandra Bushby (76), second was Fiona Ramsay (79) and third was Gwen Lambie (81). The groups of three also played the 6 point system which helped to hone their matchplay skills. Montrose have agreed an excellent rate for the squad to use the course for practice and we thank them very much for this and their very friendly welcome on Sunday. The squad have been encouraged to return to Montrose as often as possible between now and June to take advantage of this excellent offer. A further practice round for the squad is arranged for Scotscraig on 5th May.

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