Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Congratulations to Vice Captain Dawn Butchart who has been studying for the SGU and R & A Rules Official qualification. Dawn passed the course with flying colours - achieving 85% in the end of course exam. Here is her story:

'When Jane (Strathmore Lady Captain) asked if I would be interested in going on a Rules Official's course which was to be organised by the SGU and the R&A I was very happy to take part, however at the beginning of the year I received the 'Rules and Decisions Book', example papers and the information regarding what the exam entailed I was a little apprehensive if not scared! Participants had to learn the first 28 rules and subsections and familiarise themselves with the decisions pertaining to them all! No mean feat when that part of the book is 436 pages long. I decided to set aside a few hours every day and even took the book and papers on holiday. After a few months of study a two day course was held at the Headquarters of the SGU. This was both enjoyable and informative with talks from SGU officials, International Referees and R&A officials. There were also slide shows and a practical session held at Drumoig golf course. At the end of the course was the dreaded exam. This was in two parts. The first section of the first exam was a 20 question paper which gave different scenarios which you had to know the rule number and subsection of each one, without reference books. The second part again was 25 questions on a true or false basis again without reference books. The second part of the exam lasted 90 mins and although we were permitted the reference books it was very tough! However three weeks later I have received my results. The required pass was 70%, the average mark for the course was 71.6% and I am really pleased to say I managed 85%. This now qualifies me to referee at Club and Area level. So I would like to thank Jane for having faith in me and should you have any queries regarding rules please ask, if I don't know the answer straight away I now know where to look!'

Well done Dawn from everyone at P & K!

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