Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Following Roseanne into this afternoons play after a 4-3 win over Fiona Blair this morning is County Champion Carly Booth. Unfortunately both Jacqueline Sneddon and Annabel Niven were knocked out in the first round. Jacqueline played previous Scottish Team member Sally Watson and played extremely well taking Sally to the 17th before being defeated 3-1. Young Annabel played her heart out but Amanda Edwards took control of the game winning 5-4.
Sally Kettlewell throw off her disappointment at not making it into the Championship draw and came out all guns blazing winning her tie 8-6. Sally certainly seems to have returned to her form and played some beautiful golf.

Our commiserations go to Jacqueline and Annabel who should be very proud of their achievments this week and all our very best to Roseanne, Carly and Sally for this afternoon.

Thanks to Pam for keeping us up to date!

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