Sunday, December 31, 2006

A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the bag packing event at Marks & Spencer's yesterday.

The helpers were Ailie & Erica Burnett, Annabel Niven, Lucy Gilmour, Pat Colquhoun, Wilma Stewart, Carol Muir, Sue Mellor, Dawn Butchart, Greig Butchart, Gwen Lambie, Jane Yellowlees, Sal Shepherd and me. A big thank you also to Jillian Milne who arranged the event for us, M & S for allowing us to be there and the wonderful folk of Perth for their generosity.

We raised a massive £870.95 !!!

The money will go towards coaching for all juniors and senior squad members.

Thanks again everyone and a very Happy New Year - Captain Janet.

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