Last night was our AGM 2007. It was fantastic to see so many members coming along to both the EGM and AGM, thank you to you all. Janet Griffiths carried out her final duty as Captain by chairing both meetings. Janet has done a fantastic job as Captain and was thanked by the committee for all her hard work and dedication.
I am very honoured to be your next Captain and look forward to doing my very best to promote our county and players to the very best of my ability. Please feel free to contact me at any time should you have any ideas or queries regarding county golf. The new committee are pictured above and are back row left to right Pam Drysdale, Joan Merry,Liz Fertacz, Shona Leighton, Catherine Monks, Mary Hope, Carol Lambie and Carol Muir. Front row left to right, County Secretary Alexandra Bushby, Vice Captain Lenore Kyle, County Captain Dawn Butchart and County President Liz Miskimmin.
I am delighted Lenore Kyle has agreed to be Vice Captain. With Lenore's vast experience she will be a huge asset to the county and I am looking forward to working along side Lenore over the next two years. Liz Fetacz has stepped down as Treasurer but will remain on committee to fulfil her three year term as committee member. Liz has been a great treasurer and we thank her for her time and efforts. Catherine Monks (Dunkeld) has accepted the treasurers post and we are very pleased to welcome her on board. Shona Leighton has accepted the position as Match Secretary and selector. Shona, a past team member, has vast golfing experience and will be of great benefit to the County players and team members. Alexandra Bushby has agreed to remain as Secretary. As a past secretary myself I know how much work and time this entails and I am extremely grateful we have someone like Alex agreeing to take on this roll. Alex is a perfectionist and everything she takes on is always completed to the highest standard, this includes her golf! Carol Lambie is one in a million, she is just the most wonderful Junior Convenor ever! We are extremely lucky to have someone like Carol in charge of our juniors. Liz Miskimmin has also agreed to continue in her roll as President. Liz is the most wonderful President and is always so very happy to help and advise. She is a fantastic roll model for us all. The remaining committee members are Joan Merry, Mary Hope, Carol Muir and new committee member Pam Drysdale who has agreed to help Carol with the older junior girls.
Following the AGM was the prizegiving above are the prizewiners, they are back row left to right Liz Fertacz, Catherine Peebles, Sue Jones, Meriel Walker. Front row left to right Dawn Butchart, County Champion Alexandra Bushby and Jane Yellowlees.
For more photo's of the evening click below.