Monday, October 06, 2008


Some time ago I reported on a Golfathon which was organised by Alex Bushby. Six of us took part playing 54 holes over Strathmore Golf Course. We started at 7.45am and had a 15 min break at 11.30 then the last two rounds were completed without a break and we finished the day at 8pm.

It really was a great day and we all even managed to enjoy ourselves!

A huge thank you to all the girls who took part plus all the other squad members who, although unavailable on the day, still contributed by getting sponsors or running raffles. We also had very kind contributions from individual members plus Strathmore Golf Centre were fantastic as they not only provided courtesy of the course but David also put up a very nice bottle of malt and sold raffle tickets all day, he also had a bucket for visitors to sponsor us and he sold a rounds of golf for 4 at Strathmore in aid of our funds. David also provided snacks for the girls at the end of play. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

Catherine, our treasurer, has now got the final total for the monies raised and the grand total was a fantastic £1337.90.

WOW or what!! I really as so proud of the girls for all their hard work and enthusiasm throughout the whole year they really have been an absolute joy!

Many thanks to all who contributed and of course to the girls for all their efforts!

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