Thursday, May 09, 2013


Eildh Watson (Muckhart) was the top scorer at Strathmore today returning a scratch 74 over what proved for many to be a tough test today. Sadly due to exam commitments Eilidh is unable to play over the weekend making fellow club mate Laura Walker the top seed for the Championship with a 76 closely followed by Hannah Robb with a 77. 
There are many players who are unavailable this weekend both in the Scratch and Handicap match play.

The draw is as follows:

09:00 Laura Walker v Fiona Johnston
09:07 Dawn Butchart v Carol Muir
09:15 Nicola Robertson v Fiona Ramsay
09:22 Alison Stockley v Jennifer Saxton
09:30 Steph Crolla v Kirsty Brodie
09:37 Jane Yellowlees v Jillian Milne
09:45 Emily Ogilvy v Gwen Lambie
09:52 Kay Knight v Hannah Robb

The top seed in the handicap championship is Carol Turner followed by 2nd seed Lesley Whitwood.

The draw is as follows

10:00 Carol Turner v Sue Jones
10:07 Helen Payne v Miggie Mackie
10:15 Liz Milligan v Carol Lambie
10:22 Susan McDougall v Lesley Whitwood

Good luck to everyone and ofcourse spectators are very welcome.

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