Monday, April 27, 2015


The draw for the Qualifying Round of the County Championship to be held on 4th May is attached. The knockout rounds will be held on 9th/10th May.

Please remember that the draw will be made for the Book Titles Fund Raising Competition at the Championship at Strathmore so please get all your entries and money in by then.

9.30am            C Muir, A Stockley
9.46am            L Walker, S Raitt        
9.54am            J Saxton,J Milne, F Ramsay
10.02am          S Crolla, I Moncrieffe, C Henderson
10.10am          K Duncan, D Butchart            , M Lumby
10.18am          L Sharpe, K Knight, F Johnston
10.26am          M Mackie, M Begbie, V Saville
10.34am          G Pennycook, S Scott            , H Wynd
10.42am          S Barber, M Miller, E Bryce
10.50am          M Wilson, L Kyle, L Scott
10.58am          G Pemberton,             L McGraw, S Durward
11.06am          M Ewen, L Mailer, H Gibson
11.14am          H Ewen, M McGlashan, C Irving
11.22am          E Milligan, Sheila MacDougall, E Harrild
11.30am          M Middleton, A Walker, A Manattini
11.38am          V Purdie, A Thomson, J Hamilton
11.46am          L Pattinson, L Findlay, M Storry
11.54am          H Payne, M Robertson, M Watson
12.02pm          Susan MacDougall, J Proudfoot, J Nisbet
12.10pm          I Moncur, D Wallace, C Monks
12.18pm          C Peebles, A Spiers, K McKay         
12.26pm          G Paterson, M Watkins, L Whitwood
12.34pm          P Kelly, S Fenner, C MacNab
12.42pm          S Jones, G Allardice, M Carruthers
12.50pm          R McGeoghegan, J Clowe, S Peters
12.58pm          J Thom, P Hebner, M Forbes
13.06pm          A Crossland, S MacNaughton, H Lang         
13.22pm          G Lambie, C Lambie

Evening times:
17.00pm          L Campbell, N Robertson                                          
17.08pm          K Brodie, J Griffiths, S Ogg                                                   
17.16pm          J Pringle, B Kerr, C Turner

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