Monday, December 10, 2018


It proved to be 3rd time lucky for our Sponsored Speed Golf event at Strathmore Golf Club yesterday!

Click on the photo to enlarge

Postponed twice due to bad weather, the event finally went ahead after the Seniors' Coaching on Sunday.  The Speed Golf Team included seven Senior Squad members and one Match Secretary.  They were as follows:

Katy Alexander, Megan Ashley, Laura Campbell, Jenny Collins, Jen Saxton, Isla Moncrieff, Laura Walker & Caroline Henderson.

With Isla's plan in hand, they raced round the 18 holes in an astonishing 36 minutes & 26 seconds.  And, they almost broke 90!  Well done everyone.  It was a fantastic team performance!

The winners of our competition were:
1st. Jackie Nisbet (35mins 42sec)
2nd. Katie Morrison (30mins)
3rd. Willie Henderson (45mins 26secs)

The event raised:
The great news is that our Speed Golfers raised a total of £311 for our County funds.  Thank you to everyone who sponsored them and also to Strathmore Golf Club for hosting the event.

& Finally:
A slideshow with some photos of the event...

Click on the video above to see the slideshow

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