Friday, August 06, 2021


Scottish Golf has issued a COVID-19 update in response to the COVID-19 statement made by the First Minister of Scotland on Tuesday 3 August.

The statement issued by Scottish Golf reads as follows:

"Following the latest COVID Update from the First Minister, Scottish Golf has been working with our partners at sportscotland and the Scottish Government to receive approval on our latest COVID-19 Guidance ahead of mainland Scotland moving beyond Level 0 on Monday 9 August 2021."

"We have now updated our COVID-19 Guidance and all clubs should note the key changes effective from Monday 9 August:"
  • "Outdoor sport (coaching & competition) up to 5000 participant limit per day."
  • "Indoor Hospitality will still have to follow Test and Protect procedures, but there is now no limit on the number of households"
"Ahead of implementing these changes, we would recommend that clubs carry out a risk assessment that is specific to the situation at their club."

"While this latest update is a further step forward in the return to golf and its traditions as we know it, until such time as restrictions are lifted fully we would urge everyone to continue to risk assess for their specific environment and respect differing perspectives in relation to risk will still be evident across the wide range of golfers in Scotland."

"We know that today’s update will have a positive impact on all affiliated clubs and their members, and on behalf of everyone at Scottish Golf, we would like to thank you for your continued patience and strict adherence to the restrictions that have been in place."

"Keep up to date on the latest COVID-19 Updates from Scottish Golf here."

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