Vice Captain: Liz Milligan
Secretary: Michelle McKay
Monday, December 15, 2014
It is with deep regret we inform you of the passing of Eppie Marshall on November 28th.
As a past team player of P&K Eppie remained a great supporter of the P&K team. She was also a past Captain of Alyth Golf Club and a great friend to many.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Carol and all the P&K committee
would like to wish you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
with good health and good
golfing in 2015.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
The following letter was received from Karin Sharp SLGA. If you are interested in volunteering please complete the Volunteer Registration form, which can be found in the Pages on the RH side of the blog, and return to Karin:
As part of an internal review of the 2014 playing
season we have taken a decision to review our processes around SLGA
Events next year and would like your assistance in building a database
of local volunteers. As you will be acutely aware
from your own competitions and operations of your County Association
there is a huge reliance on the goodwill of a volunteer base and at SLGA
we have perhaps not been as smart about this as we could have been and
this is something that we are looking to address.
At our major events eg Scottish Championships which
operates over a number of days, it is often a challenge for the host
club to provide sufficient volunteers to staff all aspects of the
tournament. Our thought is to supplement that by
building a database of volunteers that we could contact depending on
location of the championship and make better use of the abundance of
skills that we know are out there at County & Club level. How we
would see this working in practise might be as follows:
Scottish Championship at Monifieth in May 2015 –
club would probably provide some volunteers to assist, we would contact
local volunteers from the Angus area in the first instance and then look
at neighbouring County volunteers (where travel
distance was minimal) to see if we can fulfil all required duties,
which might include registration, recording, live scoring, ball spotting
etc. In 2015 some of our major tournaments are being played in Angus,
Ayrshire, Dumfriesshire, Perth & Kinross, Stirling
& Clacks a number of which are fairly central venues!
As outlined, what we wish to do over the next
couple of months is to build a volunteer database, primarily for
assistance at the various tournaments that we run but would not limit
interest to that if individuals have other skills that
we could utilise and your help in spreading the word would be much
appreciated. I am keen to stress that we are not looking to take any
volunteers away from the County Associations but what we are looking to
establish is a list of lady golfers who might be
interested in volunteering at one of our events if it is taking place
in their local area for a day or part of a day.
The following email has been received from Toni Melvin-Ffinch, SLGA. Anyone interested in attending should contact Toni.
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce that due to the success
of last year’s inaugural Rules School we will be staging another level 2
course in St. Andrews from 18-20 March 2015.
We have already had a high level of interest and
will be releasing places online to the general club members next week,
this gives an advance window for County officials to sign up, the cost
is £100 and the details of the course including
the application to sign up are attached. Places will be allocated on a
first come first serve basis.
For those needing accommodation it is not included in the price of the course but we have secured preferred rates as per below:
Greyfriars hotel £60 quote ‘SGU Rules School’ 01334 474906
Ardgowan Hotel £85 quote ‘SGU Rules School’ 01334 472970
Both these hotels are within walking distance of the St. Andrews Golf Club.
Should you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact myself.
Kind Regards
Toni Melvin-Ffinch
Championship Manager
Scottish Ladies Golfing Association Limited
Caledonia House
1 Redheughs Rigg
South Gyle
EH12 9DQ
0131 339 3987
Registration Number 308709
Thursday, November 06, 2014
Ladies you will have received a copy of the SGU bulletin asking you to complete a survey on the Handicapping System by 21 November. It is really important that you complete this survey and record your views.
No point moaning if you do not take the opportunity to express your opinion.
Please take a few minutes to complete it, you could win a new golf bag!! Just follow the link!
Handicapping Survey - Complete it Here
No point moaning if you do not take the opportunity to express your opinion.
Please take a few minutes to complete it, you could win a new golf bag!! Just follow the link!
Handicapping Survey - Complete it Here
Friday, October 31, 2014
The AGM of Perth & Kinross Ladies County Golf Association took place at Craigie Hill Golf Club. Captain Carol Muir welcomed the 42 ladies in attendance and conducted the meeting in her own inimitable style. Prize Giving then took place and below is a collective photograph of all the prize winners who were present.
We were sad to receive the resignation of our President Ella Benzies who has been in the post for 4 years and worked with three Captains. Ella fulfilled her last duty by presiding over the Presentation of Prizes and was presented with a memento of her time in office.
We are delighted that Pam Drysdale, a Past County Captain and a well known face at County meetings, has agreed to take over as President. We wish her well in the role and look forward to working with her.
A special presentation was also made to Carol Lambie who served as Junior Convenor from 1998 to 2013 - a marathon effort.
Our thanks to Craigie Hill Golf Club for hosting our AGM again and providing us with a delicious supper after the formalities of the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting will be posted on the PAGES on the Right Hand Side of the Home Page in due course.
We were sad to receive the resignation of our President Ella Benzies who has been in the post for 4 years and worked with three Captains. Ella fulfilled her last duty by presiding over the Presentation of Prizes and was presented with a memento of her time in office.
We are delighted that Pam Drysdale, a Past County Captain and a well known face at County meetings, has agreed to take over as President. We wish her well in the role and look forward to working with her.
A special presentation was also made to Carol Lambie who served as Junior Convenor from 1998 to 2013 - a marathon effort.
Our thanks to Craigie Hill Golf Club for hosting our AGM again and providing us with a delicious supper after the formalities of the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting will be posted on the PAGES on the Right Hand Side of the Home Page in due course.
We have received an email from Karen Sharp, SLGA regarding the Amalgamation Working Group. Please read them and get in touch with Karen if you have queries or comments.
"Please be advised that the latest minutes from the
Amalgamation Working Group, covering August & September meetings are
now posted on the SLGA website at the following link.
As always if anyone has any comment or query that they wish passed to the group then please do let me know.
Karen Sharp "
Monday, October 13, 2014
Just a reminder that the AGM will take place on 30th October, 2014 at 6.30pm at Craigie Hill
Golf Course. A one course meal and coffee will be available at a cost of
£8.50 per head. Please let me know if you will attend and also whether
or not you require a meal. If you do require a meal please let me know
your preferred choice from the following menu:
A copy of the Agenda for 2014 is available on
Alternatively you will find details in the AGM Page on the RH side of the web site
Please let me have any additional items for the Agenda together with the numbers of attendees etc by 20th October 2014.
I look forward to see you all on the 30th.
Pat Hebner
tel: 01738626582
- Seared Chicken Breast with creamed cabbage and mash potatoes with a red wine sauce
- Pan Fried Salmon Fillet, buttered spinach, fine beans and sauteed potatoes
- Macaroni Cheese with homemade chips and garlic bread.
A copy of the Agenda for 2014 is available on
Alternatively you will find details in the AGM Page on the RH side of the web site
Please let me have any additional items for the Agenda together with the numbers of attendees etc by 20th October 2014.
I look forward to see you all on the 30th.
Pat Hebner
tel: 01738626582
Congratulations to Dunkeld & Birnam Ladies who retained the Loch Leven’s
Larder Handicap league Trophy. Murrayshall Ladies were very close runner’s up
for the second year running, with individual games being counted to decide the
winner. Thank you to King James VI GC for hosting the AGM and to Moira Lumby for
being coordinator for the second year. Murrayshall will be the coordinators for
2015, although any new clubs wishing to join should still contact Moira Lumby at
King James VI
Below is the final standings for this year. Click on any image to enlarge.
Below are some of the players from the League who attended the AGM.
Monday, October 06, 2014
P&K Champion of Champions took place at Pitlochry Golf Club
yesterday. We were quite fortunate with the weather albeit a bit on the
cold side and many
players dressed up like Nanook of the North.
With 14
Clubs represented, the scoring was excellent with 2 x scratch 73’s and
Jillian Milne winning on the better inward half from Laura Campbell.
A huge
thank you to Mark and David for making the day successful. The course
was in great condition and the greens were really good for this time of
Thanks also to Pat Hebner, Lynne Sharp and Alison Stockley for ensuring the day ran smoothly.
CSS 72
1st Jillian Milne (P&K) 73 bih
2nd Laura Campbell (Pitlochry) 73
3rd Gwen Lambie (Dunkeld & Birnam) 77
4th Isla Moncrieffe (Aberfledy) 79
CSS 72
1st Jillian Milne (P&K) 73 bih
2nd Laura Campbell (Pitlochry) 73
3rd Gwen Lambie (Dunkeld & Birnam) 77
4th Isla Moncrieffe (Aberfledy) 79
Friday, October 03, 2014
Alyth Golf Club were hosts to this years Scratch League Dinner and AGM which was held on Wednesday 1st October. Sue Waddle, Captain of the Alyth Scratch Team chaired the meeting and presented the cup to this years winners Blairgowrie. It was a closely fought league this year with Blairgowrie the clear winners and four further teams sharing second spot and only separated by games won.
On behalf of the Scratch League players we thank Sue for all her hard work collating the scores and for chairing the meeting and also send our congratulates to Blairgowrie on a well deserved win. Blairgowrie will be hosts for 2015.
Below are the full results, click on the picture to enlarge:
Sunday, September 28, 2014
The meeting to decide Perth & Kinross Champion of Champions will take place on October 5th at Pitlochry Golf Club. We would like to send our congratulations to Jen Saxton and Gwen Lambie who are double Club Champions. Jen winning at Kinross and Muckhart, Gwen at Blairgowrie and Dunkeld.
Draw for Champion of Champions as follows:
Draw for Champion of Champions as follows:
County Champion of Champions, Pitlochry Golf Club on Sunday, 5th October.
9.32am J Milne, (County Champ), L Campbell (Pitlochry), J Saxton (Kinross)
9.40am G Lambie (Dunkeld&Birnam), I Moncrieff (Aberfeldy), C Muir (Craigie Hill)
9.48am D Butchart (Strathmore), J White (Auchterarder), C Kenny (Dunblane)
9.56am A Holley (Dunbracken), J MacDougall (Callander), U Woodburn (Crieff)
10.04am F Farquharson (KJVI), M Mackie (Dunning), K Flockhart (Milnathort)
10.12am L MacDonald (Strathtay), M Feighery (Muthill), L Millar (Kenmore)
10.20am Starters Time
10.28am L Sharp; P Hebner
This draw may change, so please ensure an early arrival.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Perth & Kinross Ladies played for the Brown Memorial Trophy in Greensomes format at Milnathort today. The weather was beautiful if a trifle chilly to start. The course was in great condition and some excellent scores were returned.
Congratulations to Judy Proudfoot and Maya Robertson from Taymouth who scored an amazing 63.
1. Judy Proudfoot & Maya Robertson (20) 63
2. Angela Crossland & Helen Wynd (19.2) 66.8
3. Gillian Pemberton & Marion Forbes (20.4) 70.6
4. Val Purdie & Helen Ewen (16.8) 72.2
1. Judy Proudfoot & Maya Robertson 83
2. Lynne Sharp & Miggie Mackie 85
3. Angela Crossland & Helen Wynd 86
Raffle: Sheila Durward & Gillian Pemberton
Congratulations to Judy Proudfoot and Maya Robertson from Taymouth who scored an amazing 63.
1. Judy Proudfoot & Maya Robertson (20) 63
2. Angela Crossland & Helen Wynd (19.2) 66.8
3. Gillian Pemberton & Marion Forbes (20.4) 70.6
4. Val Purdie & Helen Ewen (16.8) 72.2
1. Judy Proudfoot & Maya Robertson 83
2. Lynne Sharp & Miggie Mackie 85
3. Angela Crossland & Helen Wynd 86
Raffle: Sheila Durward & Gillian Pemberton
Congratulations to Jane Grubb and her team for a
superb result in the County Finals at Hilton Park. Jane’s team won all 3
matches to win the title.
A great result for Jane and congratulations to all
her team for pulling of a great result especially in a close last match
against Renfrewshire. Well done Angus Ladies.
League AGM – will be
held at King James VI gc on Sunday 12th October at 3pm. The Loch
Leven’s Larder trophy will be presented to the winning team. Tea/coffee and
cakes will be served at a cost of £4.50/person.
The purpose of the
Handicap league is to encourage singles match play between clubs within Perth
& Kinross who either don’t have enough low handicap players to field a team
in the Scratch League or who have enough lady Members to enter a team in both
Leagues. As match play is such a great way to improve your golf it is hoped that
the Handicap League will also be a way of introducing up and coming players into
the art of competitive Match Play.
Any club wishing to
become involved in the club next year is welcome to come along to the AGM on the
12th October or to contact Moira Lumby
Please contact Moira
Lumby to book your place – 01821 640519 or
The results from the league are as follows:
The results from the league are as follows:
Match (home club first)
Result (home club first)
18th May
Murrayshall v Auchterarder
5 - 0
8th June
King James VI v Murrayshall
2 - 3
12th June
Auchterarder v Dunkeld & Birnam
2 - 3
13th July
Dunkeld & Birnam v Murrayshall
5 - 0
20th July
Murrayshall v Craigie Hill
2 - 3
31st July
Auchterarder v King James VI
3.5 – 1.5
6th August
Craigie Hill v King James VI
3 - 2
10th August
Craigie Hill v Auchterarder
24th August
King James VI v Dunkeld & Birnam
3 - 2
14th September
Dunkled & Birnam v Craigie
Monday, September 15, 2014
Draw for Brown Memorial Trophy
Milnathort Golf Club
Monday 22nd September 2014
9.30 Lenore Kyle
Pat Colquhoun
Pembroke Marion Forbes
9.36 Val Purdie
Helen Ewart
Sally Fenner
Kay Findlay
9.42. Judy
Proudfoot Maya Robertson
Hazel Gibson
C Peebles
9.48. Morag
Brydson M Watkins
Durward Joan Pringle
Angela Crossland Helen Wynd
Wallace Sheila Lindsay
10.00. Helen
Lang Marg Macrae
Margaret Watson Agnes Manattint
10.06 Myra McLeod
Pat Kelly
Catherine Monks Irene Moncur
Sheena McNaughton Fran Gibson
Grace Patterson Moira Leslie
Emily Bruce Sandra
Rhona McGeoghan Jenny Groom
10.24. Joyce Thom
Pat Hebner
Lynne Sharp Miggie
Nan Morrison Kate McAlpine
Friday, September 12, 2014
The Karen Dallas and Drysale Trophy was held at Strathmore Golf Centre on Sunday 7th September and what amazing scores the Juniors produced.
The Scratch Drysdale Trophy winner was Zoe Morton from Auchterarder who returned an excellent scratch score of 75 over the 72 par course, playing off 14 she was 11 under her handicap.
The Handicap Karen Dallas Trophy was won by Amy Mitchell, playing over her home course, Amy returned a net 62.
Full results are as follows: CSS 71
Zoe Morton (Auchterarder) 75
Amy Mitchell (Strathmore) (18) 62
Eilidh Wynd (Dunblane) (36) 63
Shannon Pook (Auchterarder) (24) 66
Special mention to Eilidh who was 9 under par which is amazing considering she got stuck in a bunker at the 18th which cost her a 12 on the par 5, well done!
Liz would like to thank all the players who took part and special thanks to Strathmore Golf Centre for providing courtesy for our girls.
The Scratch Drysdale Trophy winner was Zoe Morton from Auchterarder who returned an excellent scratch score of 75 over the 72 par course, playing off 14 she was 11 under her handicap.
The Handicap Karen Dallas Trophy was won by Amy Mitchell, playing over her home course, Amy returned a net 62.
Full results are as follows: CSS 71
Zoe Morton (Auchterarder) 75
Amy Mitchell (Strathmore) (18) 62
Eilidh Wynd (Dunblane) (36) 63
Shannon Pook (Auchterarder) (24) 66
Special mention to Eilidh who was 9 under par which is amazing considering she got stuck in a bunker at the 18th which cost her a 12 on the par 5, well done!
Liz would like to thank all the players who took part and special thanks to Strathmore Golf Centre for providing courtesy for our girls.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Congratulations to our P&K squad members, Nicola Robertson who achieved a top 20 finish in her debut on the USA Women's College Golf Circuit at Sevierville, Tennessee last weekend and Eilidh Watson who finished 46th in her debut tournament at Caledonia Golf Club, Myrtle Beech.
Well done girls we are rooting for you!
Well done girls we are rooting for you!
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
Laura Campbell is the new Ladies Club Champion of Pitlochry. Laura's opponent was Isla Moncrieff and it was a hard fought battle with Laura clinching the title at the 19th hole.
This is Laura's first championship title at Pitlochry and we send our congratulations to her.
Below is a picture following the presentation. Isla on the left and Laura on the right.
This is Laura's first championship title at Pitlochry and we send our congratulations to her.
Below is a picture following the presentation. Isla on the left and Laura on the right.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Our congratulations to Miggie Mackie who is the new Ladies Club Champion at Dunning. Well done Miggie! Hope to see you at Pitlochry for the Champion of Champions game.
Our Lady Captain Carol Muir hosted her Captain's Day at Aberfeldy on 28th August. The weather was kind - rain did not start until everyone had finished their game.
Despite the low numbers everyone enjoyed the day especially the goodies provided by Carol! Players all enjoyed a bottle of wine and some choccies. Thanks Carol - you have started something now!!
Captain's Prize to Helen Lang with a net 73. Well done Helen!
Nearest the pin on the 7th won by Caroline Henderson (191ins - its a long hole!!)
Nearest the hole in 2 won by Isla Moncrieff (153ins)
Total at 3 Hidden Holes - Caroline Henderson 13 strokes
Raffle - Ann Beeson
Despite the low numbers everyone enjoyed the day especially the goodies provided by Carol! Players all enjoyed a bottle of wine and some choccies. Thanks Carol - you have started something now!!
Captain's Prize to Helen Lang with a net 73. Well done Helen!
Nearest the pin on the 7th won by Caroline Henderson (191ins - its a long hole!!)
Nearest the hole in 2 won by Isla Moncrieff (153ins)
Total at 3 Hidden Holes - Caroline Henderson 13 strokes
Raffle - Ann Beeson
Results as follows:
CSS 73
Caroline Henderson (Aberfeldy) 80
Isla Moncrieff (Pitlochry) 82
Carol Muir (Craigie Hill) 89
Helen Lang (Pitlochry) 73 (26) bih
Caroline Henderson (Aberfeldy) 73 (7)
Margaret Macrae (Pitlochry) 77 (17)
Friday, August 22, 2014
9.30 I Moncreiff, C Henderson, V Saville
9.37 C Peebles, A Duncan, K Finlay
9.45 C Muir, L Kyle, A Walker
9.52 S Fenner, H Lang, H Dalgleish
10.07 R McGeoghegan, A Beeson, L Whitwood
Monday, August 18, 2014
Pitlochry Golf Club Ladies Section
Pitlochry Ladies Open
Sunday 24th August 2014
By Courtesy of Pitlochry Golf Limited -
Entry Fee £14.00
Scratch and Handicap Prizes
Competitors may only win one prize – Handicap Limit 36
Closing Date for Entries: 17th August 2014
Please complete entry form below and return with the entry fee and email address to:
(cheques payable to Pitlochry Golf Club)
Mark Pirie
Pitlochry Golf Club, Golf Course Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5QY
Tel: 01796 472792

Address: __________________________________________________________
Tel No: ___________________ Preferred Starting Time: ____________________
Home Club: ____________________
Handicap: ___ CDH Unique ID No: ___
E-mail: ___________________________________________________________
Buggies may be booked in advance by those with an appropriate Medical Certificate or by Blue
Badge Holders on a first come first served basis. Documents to be presented on the day.
Badge Holders on a first come first served basis. Documents to be presented on the day.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Congratulations to Dawn Butchart who has just become Strathmore Golf Club Ladies Champion for 2014. Dawn beat Strathmore Ladies Captain, Sheena Scott, 7&6 over 36 holes to take the Championship.
Well done Dawn!
Well done Dawn!
Thursday, August 14, 2014
The 3rd round of the Nell Scott Quaich and the 2nd round of of the Crawford Salver took place over the Lansdowne course at Blairgowrie on 14th August.
Congratulations to the prizewinners - results as follows:
CSS 77
1st Carol Muir 81
2nd Sandy Bushby 82
3rd Laura Walker 83
1st Sandy Bushby 82 (11) 71
2nd Carol Muir 81 (5) 76
3rd Linde Patterson 95 (19) 76
Raffle Lesley Whitwood & Ella Benzies
Congratulations to Ella who had a hole-in-one at the 7th at Alyth recently.
Congratulations to the prizewinners - results as follows:
CSS 77
1st Carol Muir 81
2nd Sandy Bushby 82
3rd Laura Walker 83
1st Sandy Bushby 82 (11) 71
2nd Carol Muir 81 (5) 76
3rd Linde Patterson 95 (19) 76
Raffle Lesley Whitwood & Ella Benzies
Congratulations to Ella who had a hole-in-one at the 7th at Alyth recently.
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
Draw for Meeting at Lansdowne on 14th Aug 2014
9.21 V Saville , K Knight
9.30 S Bushby,
I Moncrieff
9.39 E Fertaz, H Cunningham, L Findlay
9.48 M Begbie I Moncur, L Mailor
9.57 S Durward , H Wynd, E Milligan
10.06 A Tannock, V Purdie, R Brass
10.15 M Wilson,
P Colquhoun, H Ewen
10.24 E Campbell, M Brydon, A Houston
10.33 B Clough, S Mitchell, S Fenner
10.42 C Monks, C Webb, J Gordon
10.51 A Crossland, A Duncan, H Dalgleish
11 00 E Benzies, M McLeod, S Jones
11.09 C McNab, S Peters, M Forbes
11.18 L Whitwood, C Peebles, M Watkins
11.27 J Proudfoot, S McDougall, E Bryce
17.18 C Muir,
C Lambie
17.27 G Lambie, A Stockley
17.36 S Leighton, M Lumby
We are going to lose another of our squad on Friday. Nicola Robertson is off to King University, Bristol, Tennessee where her classes start on the 25th August.
On behalf of P&K, Captain Carol passes on best wishes to Nicola. We hope you will both keep in touch and make yourself available to the squad when you come home.
Good Luck!!
On behalf of P&K, Captain Carol passes on best wishes to Nicola. We hope you will both keep in touch and make yourself available to the squad when you come home.
Good Luck!!
Captain Carol Muir sends the following message to Eilidh Watson as she is about to set off for University in Florida.
"On behalf of all the P&K Ladies, I would like to take the opportunity to wish Eilidh Watson all the best as she makes her way to Stetson University, Florida on 9th August.
"On behalf of all the P&K Ladies, I would like to take the opportunity to wish Eilidh Watson all the best as she makes her way to Stetson University, Florida on 9th August.
We will certainly miss
you at County Coaching during the Winter but hope you will still make
yourself available for selection for the County Team! We would be
pleased to hear how you are settling into University
Life and all that sun – we are not jealous in any way, shape or form! I
understand orientation week begins on 11th August and that you are down to the hard work and golf the following week.
Good Luck Eilidh and best wishes from all your pals in P&K."
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Strathmore Golf Centre are hosting their Junior Open on Tuesday 29th July. They have trophies and prizes on offer for Scratch and Handicap in both the Girls and Boys Sections. Although there is a good entry of boys I am afraid to say their is only one girl!!
Strathmore are a great supporter of P&K Ladies and I would ask you to encourage your junior girls to take part.
To get a late entry simply call Strathmore on 01828633322 entry is only £5.
Strathmore are a great supporter of P&K Ladies and I would ask you to encourage your junior girls to take part.
To get a late entry simply call Strathmore on 01828633322 entry is only £5.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The results for the County Meeting at Callander for the Coronation Trophy are as follows:
CSS - 71
Scratch: C Muir 76; N Robertson 77; G Lambie 79
Handicap: C Muir 76 (6) 70 bih; K McKay 93 (23) 70; A Tannock 88 (17) 71; S Bushby 84 (11) 73 bih
Golf Balls - S MacDougall, M Storry
Thursday, July 10, 2014
9.30 N Robertson , F Johnston, S Bushby
9.37 L Mailer, B Clough, M Wilson
9.45 R Brass, M McPherson, L Findlay
9.52 A Tannock, M Ewan, P Colquhoun
10.00 L Pattinson, M McKay, D Whytock
10.07 M Chapman, J Rae, A Speirs
10.15 M MacLeod, C Peebles, G Pemberton
10.22 H Gibson, M MacRae, J Nisbet
10.30 H Lang, S Jones, S Ogg
10.37 S Bowers, S Fenner, S MacDougall
10.45 C McNab, A Walker, L Whitwood
10.52 K McKay, G Paterson, E Bryce
11.00 M Storry, J Thom, L Sharp
17.30 C Muir, G Lambie
17.37 C Lambie, A Stockley
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