Sunday, May 17, 2015


P&K Junior Championships were held at Auchterarder Golf Club today. The girls all played very well with some impressive scores being returned in very windy conditions.   This  is reflected in the CSS which was reduced to 68.

Congratulations to Kirstie Brodie , the new P&K Junior Champion and Megan Thom the Handicap Champion.

Well done also to Olivia Griffin, 10 years old, who played the 9 hole course, hitting all the Par 3s in regulation.

Thank you to our Junior Convenor, Liz Milligan, and to Auchterarder for Courtesy of the Course and the excellent catering.

Results:  CSS 68

Scratch:     Kirstie Brodie, Strathmore       77  bih
           r/u    Zoe Morton , Auchterarder       77

Handicap:    Megan Thom, Alyth        86 (21)  65
               r/u  Katriona Taylor, Crieff   82 (11) 71

9-hole Competition  Olivia Griffin - North  Inch

The girls are asked to return their scores to their Home Clubs as AWAY scores due to a problem we had today with the internet connection.

Carol presents trophy to Scratch Winner Kirstie Brodie who pipped Zoe with the better inward half.

Zoe Morton a worthy runner up who also scored 77

Carol presents the Handicap trophy to Megan Thom who had an impressive net 65

Handicap R/U Katriona Taylor receives her prize

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